Category: Sharing

VOICING (layering of melodic lines) – PLAYING WITH INSPIRATION (beyond printed notations)

VOICING (layering of melodic lines) A beginning piano student often starts with learning to play notes with either the right hand or the left hand (hands separately).  After a few weeks, the student will play hands together.  The music however, often requires each hand to play linearly (horizontally) one note after note. After having lessons[…]

sf (subito forte ) – PLAYING WITH INSPIRATION (beyond printed notations)

sf     (subito forte ): suddenly loud In the Baroque period, there were minimal dynamic markings in music scores.   Beethoven (Classical period) is credited to insert a wide variety of dynamic articulations (eg sf, sfz, fp, rfz) into his compositions.   I was teaching a masterclass at Shenzhen, China recently, at the invitation of a thoughtful[…]

Teachable & Learnable Attitudes Keys to Music Excellence – (Part 2)

All these music elements are like premium ingredients to create a special sumptuous dish. A chef would carefully combine them, with equating and balancing each with other condiments, and with adding his own culinary creativity to present a unique dish to satisfy sophisticated palates.

Teachable & Learnable Attitudes Keys to Music Excellence – (Part 1)

Being very analytical and detailed, I piece together plans and systems to impart knowledge and technical skills in concise, precise and summarized step by step plans. Any student who follows the guidelines in these plans will all demonstrate the same results of quick comprehension and excellence.