Month: June 2018

VOICING (layering of melodic lines) – PLAYING WITH INSPIRATION (beyond printed notations)

VOICING (layering of melodic lines) A beginning piano student often starts with learning to play notes with either the right hand or the left hand (hands separately).  After a few weeks, the student will play hands together.  The music however, often requires each hand to play linearly (horizontally) one note after note. After having lessons[…]

sf (subito forte ) – PLAYING WITH INSPIRATION (beyond printed notations)

sf     (subito forte ): suddenly loud In the Baroque period, there were minimal dynamic markings in music scores.   Beethoven (Classical period) is credited to insert a wide variety of dynamic articulations (eg sf, sfz, fp, rfz) into his compositions.   I was teaching a masterclass at Shenzhen, China recently, at the invitation of a thoughtful[…]