Month: February 2018

Teachable & Learnable Attitudes Keys to Music Excellence – (Part 2)

All these music elements are like premium ingredients to create a special sumptuous dish. A chef would carefully combine them, with equating and balancing each with other condiments, and with adding his own culinary creativity to present a unique dish to satisfy sophisticated palates.

Is there something wrong?!!!?

A friend exclaimed. She was rather shocked when I told her that I had re-edited all my video tutorials once again. I have been revising them, and recreated many of them from scratch many, many times within these two years’ period. In response to her question, I was actually taken aback, and felt stunned! I[…]

Teachable & Learnable Attitudes Keys to Music Excellence – (Part 1)

Being very analytical and detailed, I piece together plans and systems to impart knowledge and technical skills in concise, precise and summarized step by step plans. Any student who follows the guidelines in these plans will all demonstrate the same results of quick comprehension and excellence.